Finisher IM 70.3 World Championship 2023 thanks to a coach “within and beyond sport”

Ironman TBL Stefanomassa

The reasons pushing people to approach Triathlon can be different: going beyond our limits, desire for redemption, maintaining physical health; everyone has their own. The reasons that make people continue with triathlon over time are two: passion and dedication. The first arises spontaneously and is nourished by the results achieved over time. The second must be cultivated every day, training after training. For all this to be possible, a key element is needed: the presence of a coach. A coach who understands the athlete’s goals and potential. A coach, who is a guide, within and beyond sport.A coach who is not afraid to be sincere, but who always has the sensitivity to understand the athlete’s difficulties.

This coach for me is Stefano.

Finisher Ironman 70.3 World Championship 2023 a Lathi

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